Leadership Matters 101

Developing The Leader Streak in Others: A Distinct Leadership Proficiency

It is not an uncommon phenomenon for leaders to overlook the development of their subordinates. Development of this nature is often regarded as an asset only for profitability and a liability due to the fear of labour turnover when certain skill sets are attained by subordinates, implying loss of time spent and efforts made in the development process. Regardless of these challenges, the development process cannot be ignored.

It is accepted that training is of more value when the leader is involved on a personal level in the development process of subordinates. This principle is undeniable, however, with the myriad of work activities and commitments every leader has, makes it a challenge to keep up with a personal level of involvement. So, what recommendations can be made to tackle this?

It all begins with a plan, one that is designed uniquely for each subordinate, putting into consideration the individual’s needs, strengths, weaknesses, speed, and capacity to learn, most efficient learning mode etc. Ideally, the plan is shared with the subordinate and time slots are set for when each learning module would be taught and evaluated. In addition to this, it is imperative for leaders to do the following:

  • Have conversations with their subordinates about their prevalent tasks and objectives, their current level of achievements and other aspirations they wish to attain.
  • Ask the subordinate at the beginning of the learning sojourn what their expectations are.
  • Provide honest feedback, not with the intent of subduing the subordinate or engaging in sycophancy but encourage strengths and discuss areas of weakness and how to improve them.
  • Be the ultimate role model – practice what you preach!
  • Time is a currency that spent well leaves a positive lasting impression. Never be in a rush to impact knowledge or assess a subordinate’s progress.
  • If the learning process in being executed in a team, ensure that every team member is fully engaged. Compel them to share their personal experiences. Also, it is important that a cocoon of safety is created such that each team member feels comfortable to talk about everything that pertains to what is being learnt.
  • Recognize and reward the conclusion of each learning journey, always ensuring that a “nugget of truth” obtained from the process is reserved for future similar initiatives.

It is the responsibility of leaders to prepare a conductive learning environment for all subordinates to thrive without fear and where they can attain the development mindset. People want to feel useful and relevant and be assured that their leaders are looking out for their good in terms of yielding expected results and their personal growth. A considerable amount of time and energy spent on subordinates will inevitably yield a solid return on investment and create a learning legacy, giving them full confidence to assume the mantle of leadership in due season.